Rip-record textfile.txt -t 00:00:00 background recording from kodi The rip-record bash script can also set a duration for the recording using the ffmpeg time option -t 00:00:00 You can also select a recording duration from the play using menu bash scripts To play the video in an external player or record the video stream

You can then choose from one the players in the playercorefactory.xml,

Press y on the keyboard while a video is playing in kodi to bring up the play using contextual menu, To bring up the play using menu and then select a player and begin recording On some video links you need to open the video first and then press y on the keyboard

You can press c on the keyboard on a video link to bring up the play using menu and then select a player Windows Start - type %APPDATA%\kodi\userdata - press usage Mac /Users//Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/ (see note) IOS /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/userdata/ The curl and wget scripts must not be run in the background Location of the userdata folderĪndroidĚndroid/data//files/.kodi/userdata/ (see note) See below for location of the userdata folder for your operating system Important note for curl and wget scripts linux set up Step 1 - installing software arch linux install git, ffmpeg, libfdk-aac, rtmpdump, vlc, mpv, youtube-dl, aria2c Kodi playercorefactory.xml git repo - kodi recording videos 27

Youtube video showing you how to set up the kodi-playercorefactory repo Kodi record any video by using ffmpeg, rtmpdump, vlc and mpv as external players There is also a set of bash script to record the outside of kodi using the terminal Pilfer is the new python version of the rip-record scriptĪ set of playercorefactory.xml files for kodi to play videos in an external player or record the video.