The abject is to reduce muscular tension, thereby pro- moting freer movementnot to concentrate on attainingextreme flexibility, which often leads to overstreiching and injury. We discuss solutions to these problems, using examples of how scholars have adapted their categories in comparative research on democracy and authoritarianism. Chairman, Pioneer Lawmakers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Ex- cellency Governor Herring: It is gracious of. Stretching should he tailored to your particular muscular structure, flexibility, and varying tension levels. With such categories, the overly strict application of a classical framework can lead to abandoning to category prematurely or to modifying it inappropriately. We examine the challenge to this framework presented by two types of nonclassical categories: family resemblances and radial categories. In his book The Long Tail (2008), Chris Anderson wrote that goatse. Its front page featured a picture, entitled hello.jpg, showing a naked man stretching his anus with both hands. Goatse.cx often referred to simply as 'Goatse', was originally an Internet shock site. Yet Sartori's framework draws upon what may be called classical categorization, which views the relation among categories in terms of a taxonomic hierarchy, with each category having clear boundaries and defining properties shared by all members. Title: Bob Anderson - Stretching.pdf Author: TOSHIBA Created Date: 2:17:16 PM. Giovanni Sartori's work on conceptual “traveling” and conceptual “stretching” provides helpful guidance in addressing this fundamental task of comparative analysis. When scholars extend their models and hypotheses to encompass additional cases, they commonly need to adapt their analytic categories to fit the new contexts.